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5 Essential SEO Fundamentals Every Small Business Can (And Should) Do In 2021

The EAT Strategy

There’s no doubt that SEO is a crucial point of any brand’s online success, but it’s not the only thing you should care about! We also wanted to touch on the EAT strategy which is outlined in Google’s Quality Guidelines and should be another focal point for your marketing. EAT stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, and it’s incredibly relevant if you’re looking to improve your authenticity.

If you want to become a top-rated site, you need to focus on all three of these qualities. So, you can’t really have SEO without EAT! A brand that fulfills the EAT criteria is also going to be much more appealing to consumers and help you grow organically.
All of the SEO strategies we’re going to be looking at will also help you with EAT, boosting the credibility of your brand whilst helping you capture leads. Excited? You should be!

n- Nowadays it’s no secret that search engine optimization is an essential factor for promotion. It plays a vital role in brands’ online success. Nevertheless, it is not only the factor you care about. You have to maintain the EAT strategy according to the guideline of Google Quality guideline. It should be another focus point according to Google. EAT stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness. It stands as an effective point if you are going to increase the authenticity of your business.

If you want your business site to become a top-rated one you should consider the effective three points. So the fact that stands out is that have cannot have SEO without EAT. A brand or organization that is going to fulfill EAT strategy will have high growth in organic traffic. Nevertheless, it will look more appealing to your consumers.

Improve User Experience

Right at the top of the list is user experience. While this doesn’t mean it’s the most important SEO factor to include, it’s certainly up there! User experience is all about the impression your consumers have of your brand after engaging with you online.

For example, if your website is clunky and hard to navigate with links that don’t work, the experience will be negative. If the website is easy to use, shows your users what they’re looking for, and you offer great customer service, your users will be more than satisfied. It’s this positive user experience you should be striving for to make sure your leads turn into loyal customers!
User experience is a key SEO component but also plays a big part in EAT. If you have a badly built website or don’t interact professionally with your audience, they’re not going to find you trustworthy. So, to gain a good reputation, make sure improving your user experience is a top priority!

n- Well, emerging at the top of the list is the user experience. Nevertheless, it does not thoroughly imply that it’s the most important factor to consider in SEO, but it certainly plays a vital role. User experience plays an essential role in the promotion of a website. It denotes the impression a client had with you in online business.

Let us consider an example for the same. In a case where a website is soggy, difficult to navigate through it, the user will bounce back and will have a negative experience on it. Comparatively, if the website is user-friendly, displays the user what they are looking for and you also offer a smooth service your customers will be more than happy. This will indirectly ensure a proper ORM is maintained for the website. This loyal leads of the customer will indirectly ensure you are loyal and satisfied consumers for your product.

Increase Your Loading Speeds

Absolutely no one enjoys waiting around for websites to load. In fact, if yours takes longer than a couple of seconds you’re going to lose a huge chunk of traffic! Slow load speeds are incredibly damaging to your SEO and can also make you look less credible and harm your user experience.

Always make loading speeds a priority. Sure, a fancy video and a cool customer avatar are fun features, but are they necessary, or are they just slowing down your website? Remove all features and plug-ins that you don’t actually need and optimise those you do to speed up loading times.

n- According to psychology, no one has the time to wait for a website to load. As a fact, you will be losing a lot of organic traffic if your website takes a lot of seconds to load. Slow loading speed also makes a huge impact on the SEO of the website. Moreover, it can lead you to damage the website’s credibility and user experience.

Nevertheless, make the loading speed a priority of your website. Although a high-resolution video or a high-quality image on your website is a cool thing altogether. But they are the because of which your site is getting slowed down on google. Try to make sure to remove all this staff and plugins which are not required on your site. You can also try to optimize it.

Create High-Quality Content

When it comes to SEO for a small business, high-quality content is a budget-friendly way to boost your rankings and gain credibility. But, what does high-quality actually mean? Well, here are some factors that will help yours gain that status:

Of course, the word content covers a whole range of things, but these rules are all pretty versatile! There are also some more specific things that will boost your content, like making sure your written posts are free of spelling errors and your images are taken with a high-quality camera. You don’t have to be producing cinema or novel worthy stuff, but make sure it’s professional.

n- When it comes to the point of SEO for a small business, content plays a vital role here. Content is considered as the king here. Not only that building high-quality content is an effective and cost-saving way of promoting our business and establishing your rank in google. But it is a question to some that what does the word ‘ high quality’ actually mean?

It actively means that the written content should be fact-based content that you have got through immense hardworking and research. It includes active links which will redirect you to the authoritative sites to back up certain points. It is prompt and precise to the industry about which you are writing. It should appeal to the consumer’s interest or viewpoint. It should be free from plagiarism unique and authentic. It should be written in a professional tone.

Nevertheless, the word covers up a whole lot of things and ideas altogether. But on the other hand, the rules of content creation are visibly versatile. There are also some other factors that will definitely boost up your content creation ideas. Firstly make sure that your content is free from any spelling errors and other relevant factors. Secondly, ensure images are being taken from the high-quality camera and it doe not appear blurred on the website. Nevertheless, you do not need to be a cinematography-related kind of stuff but at least sure that it looks appealing and professional.

Implementing Social Media

Social media has been a gamechanger for businesses. In terms of SEO, it can help you by sending quality leads to your website who are already interested in what you’ve got to offer, reducing your bounce rate. But where social media really shines is when it comes to EAT.
By creating an active social media page, you can post more about your brand. You can post videos of your team, your products, and other behind the scenes of your business. You can also interact directly with your audience in the comments and via private messaging, showing them that there are real, trustworthy people behind your brand.
If you’re setting up social media profiles, only focus on a couple of platforms so that you have the time to run them properly. Find which platforms your target market use and hop on those!

n-Social media plays an integral part in the promotion of the business. It is considered as the game changer in the part of the business. In other words on the point of SEO, It redirects the essential leads into your website converting them into a customer. This will also ensure that it will reduce the bounce rate of the website. But the place where social media outcomes are when it follows EAT strategy.

Nevertheless, by creating a social media page, you can probably outreach your brand to a maximum extend.

Add Up To Date Contact Information

This is one of the SEO basics that will improve your EAT quickly! Simply add up to date contact information to your website. This includes a business address, email address, and telephone number.
If you have a Google My Business profile, the information on here should also be kept up to date. If you haven’t got a Google My Business profile, it’s time to get one!

Mobile traffic has blown up, increasing by 222% over the last 7 years alone! In fact, there are now slightly more people browsing online on a mobile device than there are on a desktop. If your website isn’t optimised for mobile, you’re going to be left behind.

The truth is that sites that only work properly on desktops just seem old-fashioned and far less trustworthy! If yours doesn’t work on mobile, it’s time to go back to the design table and make sure it does.


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